Learner Assessment

Mealtime Matters: Implementing Everyday Eating for Tube Feeding
Question 1: What is the primary nerve responsible for communication between the gut and the brain?
Question 2: Which of the following best describes the function of the Gut-Brain Axis?
Question 3: Which nervous system is responsible for the “Rest-and-Digest” state that supports digestion and immune function?
Question 4: Which of the following is true about dopamine in the gut?
Reference: Chen Y., Xu J., Chen Y. Regulation of Neurotransmitters by the Gut Microbiota and Effects on Cognition in Neurological Disorders. Nutrients. 2021;13(6):2099.
Question 5: Which of the following is a key function of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract during the “Light Phase” of the circadian cycle?
Reference: Voigt R., Forsyth C., & Keshavarzian K. Circadian rhythms: a regulator of gastrointestinal health and dysfunction. Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019;13(5):411–424.
Question 6: How does colonic motility change according to circadian rhythm?
Reference: Lotti S., Dinu M., Colombini B., et al. Circadian rhythms, gut microbiota, and diet: Possible implications for health. Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases. 2023;33(8):1490-1500.
Question 7: Based on research comparing bolus gastric feeding (BGF) and continuous gastric feeding (CGF), what is a key advantage of BGF in mechanically ventilated pediatric patients?
Reference: Brown A., Irving S., Pringle C., et al. Bolus gastric feeds improve nutrition delivery to mechanically ventilated pediatric medical patients: Results of the COntinuous vs BOlus multicenter trial. JPEN. 2021;46:1011-1021.
Question 8: According to a systematic review and meta-analysis, how does bolus/intermittent enteral nutrition (EN) compare to continuous EN in hospitalized adult patients?
Reference: Bolgeo T., Di Matteo R., Gallione C., et al. Intragastric prepyloric enteral nutrition, bolus vs continuous in the adult patient: A systematic review and meta-analysis. NCP. 2022; 34(4):762-772.


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