All Functional Formularies products (except Keto Sustain) are covered by a majority of private and public health insurance plans. Over 96% of our customers qualify for insurance coverage.


All Functional Formularies products (except Keto Sustain) are covered by a majority of private and public health insurance plans. Over 96% of our customers qualify for insurance coverage.


All Functional Formularies products (except Keto Sustain) are covered by a majority of private and public health insurance plans. Over 96% of our customers qualify for insurance coverage.

Follow these  2  Easy Steps

for Insurance Coverage

Work with
your doctorto Get a prescription
Find a DME Provider
Find a local DME Provider here:
Choose a National Provider

We Can Help

At Functional Formularies we have patient advocates available to help assist you in gaining insurance
coverage for our products. Please fill out the form or call us at 937-433-4673
and we will set up an appointment for you with a patient advocate.
Insurance Support
Do you have a current home health company?
Do you have health insurance?
Have you received a denial from your insurance?

Billing Information

Liquid Hope
HCPCS Code: B4149
HCPCS Code: B4149
Liquid Hope
Peptide & High Protein
HCPCS Code: B4153
Peptide & Berry Medley
HCPCS Code: B4161
HCPCS Code: B4161 & B4153

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