
Fructose, Fruit juice, and the Microbiome

The microbiome continues to dominate the research front.  That 5 pounds of microbial life that inhabits our digestive tract is far more responsible for our health, most people would ever guess.  It’s composition and how various populations of microbes relate to one’s risk of particular conditions is being intensely studied.  While some of the research surrounding specific microbiome profiles (diversity, presence of larger families of bacteria, or the numbers of potentially pathogenic strains for instance) is preliminary and limited to associations, many microbiologists and microbial experts believe that there is a great deal we can now say with confidence. Continue reading

Critical Qualities

Critical Qualities of Enteral Formulas for Patients with Diabetes

As a greater percentage of diabetes patients require enteral support for an additional disease or condition, the nutritional qualities of a formula are pivotal.  While most enteral formulas are comprised of heavily refined carbohydrates (ranging from fruit juice concentrates to corn syrup solids) and industrially processed seed oils (corn, soybean, sunflower, and canola), there is only one whole food, high fermentable fiber, and no added sugar option.  The qualities possessed by this type of formula are aligned with those recommended for the treatment and management of insulin resistance. Continue reading

Dirty Dozen

Be Wary of Enteral Formulas Built Around Dirty Dozen Ingredients

Organizations such as The Environmental Work Group,, that are essentially our only sentinels with respect to chemicals in our produce and other foods, have made it very clear.  There are certain foods that carry inordinately high pesticide and herbicide levels and they should only be consumed if organically grown.  These are labeled as Dirty Dozen fruits and vegetables.  The list is updated each year but the core members generally stay the same. Continue reading

Inflammation in Formulas

Hidden Sources of Inflammation in Commercial Enteral Formulas: Looking beyond the sugar and chemicals

There is a growing level of awareness around the increased risk for chronic disease and inflammatory-mediated conditions with sugar consumption. Many Liquid Hope and Nourish customers choose our organic, whole-food enteral formulas for this reason alone. Others have decided that there is no place for artificial ingredients or chemicals in their meal replacements or the diet of their critically ill loved ones.  These are major issues with many commercial enteral formulas, whether the sugar is coming from corn syrup or fruit juice concentrates and whether the chemicals are preservatives, artificial flavors, or agrochemical residues.  Lesser known hazards found in these formulas however, may be even more important to avoid. Continue reading